March 24, 2010

Bla Bla's

Nothing new to post actually. I just get bored and suddenly my hand click the "new post" then.. here i am. Writing unimportant thing. :p. Well, currently i'm sitting on my desk, studying statistics, but my head is looking around. Why ? because there's a shitty lizard in my room since 2 days ago. I'm sooo dead if i have to deal with it. I'm trying to get rid of it, but it still in my room. Even i already open my door, it still doesn't want to come out. Did i make any big sin so i have to "sleep" with it. :(

But anyway, this is the way i kill my boredom.

I got that teddy from my honey as valentine's day present. hehe.
He's your substitute in aussie honey :p


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